Edmonton Area Council Meeting Minutes (September 26, 2019)

Area Council Committees engage with PSAC campaigns, lobby politicians ans raise awareness of issues affecting our members, workers and the Canadian Public. Check out these minutes for current actions and events. 

Edmonton Area Council
September 26, 2019
Held at the Edmonton PSAC Office

In attendance:

Kosmas Doerschel Dragana Ristivojevich
Adrian Nelson Freada Vamvounis
Gayleen Ponsek Cathy Daly
Myles Johnson Patty Jessome
Jamie Sexton (by phone) Lenore Dilts

Staff in Attendance:

Oneil Carlier, Regional Representative


Darlene Lewis

  1. Call to order at 6:05
  2. Round table introductions 6:08
  3. Motion to adopt the agenda as presented Lenore seconded by Patty and approved by concensus.
  4. Recap of previous minutes read by president Adrian Nelson. President to also do the minutes as no one willing to do it in the absence of the secretary. Motion to adopt previous minutes by Freada seconded by Patty and approved by consensus vote.
  5. Follow up of previous items: president to deposit cheque of $1000 from regional office from partial budget approval. Kosmos to arrange to become a signatory on the account since he is the current treasurer.
  6. New business: Oneil did an overview of the PSAC federal election plans. It was decided by consensus that the Edmonton EAC and the Edmonton PSAC office will:
  • create stickers to be distributed to the locals in key ridings
  • create temporary tattoos to be distributed to locals and members in key ridings
  • participate in two scripted call and texting sessions at the psac office on October 3, 2019 and October 7, 2019 from 5 pm-7pm on each day. People to advertise and bring friends to all EAC events. The goal of the sessions is to encourage and promote an all candidate forum set to occur on October 10, 2019. At this forum it is planned to have a psac showing of support with people and t-shirts. PSAC to provide swag and materials to be used on the day.
  • Discussion occurred about upcoming PSAC courses.

7)    Round table

8)    Motion to adjourn meeting put forward by Kosmas, seconded by Dragana and approved by consensus at 19.35