Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes – May 10 2016

Attendees: Lorelei Topnik, Darlene McClure, Dawn MacAulay, Yvonne Hein, Monika Duggal (PSAC rep)

PSAC Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 5:15
PSAC Regional Office
460 – 175 Hargrave Street

Attendees:     Lorelei Topnik, Darlene McClure, Dawn MacAulay, Yvonne Hein, Monika Duggal (PSAC rep)

Regrets:         Gloria Kelly, Mona Simcoe

Absent:          Nicole Papineau

1.  Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

2.  Approval of the Agenda:          

  • moved by Darlene / seconded by Yvonne / approved

3.  Review and approval of the previous meeting’s minutes 

  • Dawn noted a few things to be corrected / changed
  • moved by Lorelei / seconded by Darlene / approved

4.  Treasurer’s Report – Lorelei

  • As of April 30/16 we have $1,217.75 in the bank.
  • There will be the $500 cheque to Kent Road School Breakfast program coming out of that.  It appears that we missed sending them this donation and they had called the office to find out if we were still going to be supporting them (oops!!)
  • Tonight’s meal will be coming out of that as well ($59.70).

5.  Previous business: put off to next meeting

  • Nicole Papineau was going to come back to us with a proposal to use the Area Council’s Social Justice Fund monies, but she didn’t attend the meeting.
  • ​Suggestions are still being sought.

6.  New business: Resolutions for 2016 Prairie Regional Women’s Conference

We discussed the merits of the six resolutions brought to our attention.  The names of them and the decisions as to whether or not to put them forward are as follows:

  • Domestic Violence Leave
    • ​moved by Lorelei / seconded by Darlene / passed
  • National Water Policy
    • moved by Lorelei / seconded by Yvonne / passed
  • Comprehensive Housing Strategy
    • moved Dawn / seconded by Lorelei / passed
  • Poverty Reduction – Minimum Income
    • moved by Lorelei / seconded by Darlene – not passed as the feeling of the group was that more information was needed before this resolution could be forwarded, also, that there are poverty-reduction groups already in place and PSAC is working with them, so this might be “re-inventing the wheel”
  • Rescinding of Dues Associated with Campaigns and Conferences
    • While there are nuggets of value in this resolution, it was decided that this was not a women-related resolution so it was ruled out of order, better to try sending this through the local
  • The sixth resolution is actually un-named but it is talking of Mental Health issues within the Public Service
    • While there are again nuggets of value in this resolution, it was decided that it needed more work put into it if it were to be brought forward again.  In reality, the PSAC is already working with employers on mental health issues in the workplace and work/life balance – Declined

7.  Next meeting date, time and location: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at the PSAC Regional Office at 5:15 p.m.

8.  Adjournment at 6:40 p.m.