ln Attendance: Darlene McClure, Gloria Kelly, Tania Lachance, Loreiei Topnik, Dawn MacAulay, Valerie Denesiuk
PSAC Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 17 February 2015
PSAC Regional Office 460 -175 Hargrave Street
ln Attendance: Darlene McClure, Gloria Kelly, Tania Lachance, Loreiei Topnik, Dawn MacAulay, Valerie Denesiuk
Regrets: Mona Simcoe
Call to Order and introductions at 5:20pm
PSAC statement on harassment agreed as read- Gloria will act as harassment coordinator if required.
Adoption of Agenda: Addition of Chair’s Report as 5. (iii)
Minutes from meeting of January 2015 were received as presented.
Treasurer’s Report – report accepted as presented to 31 Jan 2015 – We are in good shape but will require a request for additional funds to cover 2015 activities Moved by Dawn MacAulay and seconded by Darlene McClure – carried
Previous Business:
- Report on way ahead work from regional team: a number of activities are being planned for the coming weeks/months and will focus on the three priorities. 19th of the Month activities will be varied and visible. Some members of the steering committee attended a two day CLC workshop on election planning and the team lead on those activities will be the Area Council.
- (ii)The suggested program for 2015 was put forward by Chair Gloria Kelly and involves a minimum of three speakers, a second Sister’s United event and a special forum prior to the election on issues deemed to be “women’s issues”. A draft costing was presented Sister Kelly moved the adoption of the proposed plan- Seconded by, Lorelei Topnik- Carried.
- Chair’s Report: Sister Kelly gave a short report on her understanding of the way ahead PSAC Regional wishes for our committee and how our work can feed into the overall plan being developed by the area council.
Election of 2015 Executive:
Chair: Gloria Kelly nominated by Darlene McClure seconded by Lorelei Topnik- acclaimed
Co-Chair- Darlene McClure nominated by Tania Lachance seconded by Dawn MacAulay- acclaimed
Secretary: Mona Simcoe nominated by Gloria Kelly seconded by Lorelei Topnik- acclaimed
Treasurer: Dawn MacAulay nominated by Lorelei Topnik, seconded by Tania Lachance- acclaimed
New Business:
- lnternational Women’s Day is 8 March. There are a number of events taking place that our members may be interested in attending:
- The MFL normally hosts an event and should that come about this year the RWC has set aside 5100 for tickets for interested sisters – Moved by Darlene McClure and seconded by Lorelei Topnik that we designated up to S100 for MFL event should one be planned – carried On Thursday 5 March there is a lunch time IWD event at noon at the Legislature- it is free and it should be suggested to managers that this is an activity they need to promote and support. There will be an IWD march on 8 March in the downtown. Check status of women website for information on this and other IWD activities.
- Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday 10 March 2015 at the Regional Office beginning at 5:15 pm. Lorelei Topnik will check to see if a female member of the RCMP might be available as a speaker. lt is now 40 years since women joined the force.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:40pm
Dessert and social time followed meeting