Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee Meeting Minutes (January 17, 2022)

Nicole Papineau – vice chair
Mona Simcoe – chair
Faye Kingyens – treasurer/secretary
Jennifer Chien Ho
Rita Gordon
Martha Johnson – PSAC Rep

Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm by Nicole. She welcomed everyone and announced that there would be no guest speaker tonight so item 2 on agenda deleted.

The PSAC statement of Harassment was accepted as read. Martha was named as harassment co-ordinator.

Motion to accept agenda with deletion of guest speaker was made by Mona, seconded by Faye.

AGM minutes from May 18 2021 were presented and motion to adopt made by Mona, seconded by Faye.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Faye. There are 3 outstanding cheques to be written:
$283.76 for donation to North Point Women’s Centre made in Dec 2021
2)$100.00 for MAWS
3)$100.00 for Survivor’s Hope
Bank balance currently $1213.99.

The budget for 2022 was presented by Nicole. Line items were reviewed and discussed in relation to 2022/2023 calendar of scheduled events and meetings. Mona clarified that the number of in person meetings were reduced to 4 from 6, with a savings of $200. Although support for the Bear Clan was included in the budget, Jen proposed supporting the Mama Bear Clan as they support women. The suggestion to check out Mama Bear Clan activities and events for the year and to make a $200 donation in support. Members agreed and this was added to budget. Jen propped a “10 question” on PSAC raffle, with the winner awarded a special prize such as a meeting with a woman leader in the PSAC. Jen to share link with and questions for the Executive to review and discuss.

Motion to accept amended budget proposal made by Faye, seconded by Rita. Motion passed.


The positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer were accepted as filled by the incumbents. No volunteers were found for the position of Secretary will remain vacant until someone steps forward.

We will continue to look for a candidate.

The next meeting had been set for Feb 14 but was changed to Feb 7th. 
Nicole thanked everyone for attending and meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.