Winnipeg & Area Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes (Sept. 30, 2020)

PSAC Human Rights Committee

September 30, 2020 5:30pm

Present: Jacqueline Nanali (Vice Chair), Debbie Leaman (Treasurer), Tina Matias Bouchard (PSAC REVP), Khalid Ahmad, Gus Mardli, Jennifer Chieh Ho, Sheri Parent, Deanna

1.Call to Order: Jackie: 5:35pm

2.Land Acknowledgment and PSAC Statement on Harassment: Jackie

Note on September 30 as Orange Shirt Day to honour Residential School students.

3.Round Introductions (group gave work and local)

4.Motion: Adoption of Agenda: Gus/Jen Carried.

Additions: New Business: C. Canada Recovery Benefit

5.Motion: Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 29th: Debbie/Jackie Carried.

6.Treasurer’s Report: Debbie

  • Not much progress due to committee changes.
  • Bank form for cheque approval requires Exec to be approved.
  • During the summer there were no expenses.
  • Treasurer will get a log in from the bank as bank does not mail PSAC office.
  • If we require funds we can ask to REVP office and state a case with a letter of need.
  • Q: Balance in chequing account?

·Note: as of May 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes: Balance Remaining: $169.33.

7.By-Election: HRC Chair: Tina

Call for nominations from floor nominated by Gus, seconded by Jackie/Sherri 2nd nominate Jen (who let her name stand)

2nd and 3rd call, no further nominations: Jen accepted Chair.

Oaths – Chair sworn in by Tina.


  • Debbie resigned from the Treasurer Positon.
  • We thank Debbie for all she has done for the PSAC Human Rights Committee.
  • Committee will hold a by-election of Treasurer with advance notice given to members.

8.Old Business:

a.Signs of Solidarity Update: Jackie

  • In May, we collaborated with HRC in Calgary in creating Signs of Solidarity in conjunction with the events of raising awareness of systemic discrimination along with Black and Indigenous Cultures Awareness events.
  • However, we only received 3 signs.
  • Future considerations: Mental health or Pride or other groups’ events.

b.Pride Parade Update

c.Signing Authorities

  • We are not spending money right now, and our priority is a new Treasurer.
  • If there is a plan we need signing authority, and still have last year’s names: Michelle, Natalie and Jen (only current).

9.New Business:

a.October Mental Health month

Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is from October 4 – 10th.  Oct 10th is also World Mental Health Day.  I want to share the following information on one of MIAW’s major initiatives and I hope it can be shared widely.  We need to continue to bring awareness to as many people as possible; by sharing information.

  • “One of MIAW’s major initiatives is the Faces of Mental Illness campaign, a national outreach campaign featuring the stories of Canadians living in recovery from mental illness. Thousands of pieces of MIAW materials featuring the Faces are disseminated to hundreds of organizations across Canada in an effort to raise awareness and end the stigma associated with mental illness.”
  • CMHA Faces Campaign: (


  • Jen will send to Deanna the info.

b.CLIFF (Canadian Labour International Film Festival): Jen


  • Jen will follow up and reconfirm with committee to finalize which package is preferred to be shown.
  • Committee to work with Tina to arrange for a virtual platform (Zoom, Skype) forum for discussion.
  • Jen will check in with CLIFF regarding Q&A part.
  • Jen will send the zoom/skype link to CLIFF (once approved), CLIFF will post it on our event advertisement on their website.
  • Committee decided on: Wed Nov 4 for CLIFF night at 6pm

c.Canada Recovery Benefit: Jen

  • On the early morning of Sept 30, Parliament passed a law (Bill C-4) that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will be replaced by Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB). The CRB does not include migrants without a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN). There are hundreds of thousands of migrant domestic workers who have lived and worked in Canada but yet received unjust immigration treatment.  Due to the Pandemic, there is delay in SIN applications being reviewed, processed and approved.  Without their SIN, these people are not able to work in Canada.  
  • We need to let politicians know that there needs to be a fair and just society with equal rights and full immigration status for all, without exclusions, in Canada.
  • Messages to: Migrant Rights Network online petition: (
  • No known migrant worker program as of right now.


  • Jen to send Deanna link
  • Committee to Invite or tell any migrant workers in workplace to join the organization.

10.Round Table

  • Sherri acknowledged appreciation of the work of the recent Bargaining.
  • Khalid recommended the book, “Caste”
  • Debbie recommend movie “North Country”
  • Jen suggested an action item;

a.Siloam Mission:

  • In their September-October volunteer newsletter, Siloam Mission mentioned that they are creating an encouragement wall in the Drop-in Centre for their community members.  So they are requesting for a note or message answering this question: “What Encouragement would you say to a friend during COVID?”
  • Committee invited to send Siloam a note or message via email, for their encouragement wall by Sunday October 4.

10. Next meeting date: TBA

11. Adjournment: Jackie 7:17pm