Winnipeg & Area Human Rights Committee AGM Minutes (March 12, 2019)

Winnipeg & Area Human Rights Committee
AGM Minutes
Wednesday, March 12, 2019 at 17:15   175 Hargrave St

In Attendance: Michelle Phaneuf (Treasurer/minute taker), Lindsey Sparks (PSAC Staff), Yvonne Hein, Khalid Ahmad, Gus Mardli, Debbie Leaman, Deanna Ng
Via Teleconference: Jennifer Chieh Ho (Chair), Nathalie Richard (Vice Chair)
Regrets: Jacqueline Nanali

1          Call to order at 17:39

2.         Land Acknowledgment

3.         Round Table

4.         Adoption of Agenda (1st Gus, 2nd Yvonne Hein) 

5.         Chair reviewed the annual report (see attached) and encouraged members to check the PSAC website and register for upcoming PSAC conferences such as National Equity Conferences if interested.  Jennifer commented that the Human rights committee adopted a Proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the intent is this document will be framed and available at future meetings.  An outstanding activity from last year was walking with the Bear Clan, and we will revisit this in the spring when things warm up. Jennifer also highlighted that the HRC has had invited Allies to join some meetings and all events.

6. Review and approved AGM 2019 Minutes (Yvonne 1st, Michelle 2nd, approved)

7. Review and Adoption of January 8, 2020 minutes with corrections to Financial report (Should read Committee requested $400 for Human Rights Celebration.  (Gus 1st, Michelle 2nd, approved)

8.  2020 Budget Request:  Note calculation in meeting was stated as $3,460 and should be $3,640.  (Request Document attached). Committee had a discussion and agreed on what dates/events to commemorate for 2020 -2021. Jennifer suggested that since the Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is not in the event planning schedule for October 2020,  Illness it would be a good idea to try to arrange one of our HRC meetings during this time, and to provide some info on MIAW. (Jennifer 1st, Gus 2nd, Approved)
9.  Treasurer Report: Michelle reported that balance as of March 12, 2020 is $362.37.  Cheque 47, not yet cleared for $104.61.  This cheque plus today’s meeting cost will bring our balance to $169.33
– Michelle confirmed that the $400 request for funds for International Human Rights Day had been approved, but not received.  These funds are no longer required. (Deb 1st, Nathalie 2nd, Approved)

10. Elections: Lindsey review the instructions:
– Call for Nominations for Chair (Michelle nominates Jennifer, Khalid 2nd) Jennifer will let name stand.
– 2nd and 3rd call, no further nominations.  Jennifer accepted Chair position.
– Call for Nominations for Vice Chair (Nathalie nominates Michelle, Deb 2nd) Michelle will let name stand.
– 2nd and 3rd call, no further nominations. Michelle accepted Vice Chair position
– Call for Nominations for Secretary (Nathalie nominates Deanna, Gus 2nd) Deanna will let name stand.
– 2nd and 3rd call, no further nominations.  Deanna accepted Secretary positions.
– Call for Nominations for Treasurer (Gus nominates Deb, 2nd Khalid) Deb will let name stand.
– 2nd and 3rd call, no further nominations.  Deb accepted Treasurer position.

11. Oaths – Executive sworn in by Lindsey

12. Pride Parade: Lindsey explained that the first deadline for registration has passed.  The next deadline is April 1, 2020 and the price increases after that.  The registration fee will be paid the Regional Office once the form is submitted.  Our entry is Commercial, Large, Nonprofit, with paid staff. 

13. Next Meeting – April 8, 2020 – Location may be via teleconference if offices not available due to strike votes.  More information will follow.

14. Round Table – Jennifer took opportunity to thank Lindsey and Michelle with Certificate of Appreciation and wishing Lindsey all the best in Calgary.  Jennifer also thanked Nathalie as outgoing Vice Chair of the HRC and support of all committee members.
Yvonne wished Lindsey good bye/good luck in his move to Calgary
Debbie thanked the members for nomination to Treasurer position
Khalid will be running for president for his local in 2 weeks, all members wished him good luck.
Nathalie wishes good luck to Lindsey
Deanna looking forward to working on the committee in new role
Michelle looking forward to new role and goodbye/good luck to Lindsey

Winnipeg Human Rights Committee: Action Items

ItemTo be Actioned By
Make revisions to January 8/2020 minutes and forward to CommitteeJennifer
Complete the registration for PrideMichelle Phaneuf
Complete the budget request and submit for review /Include Annual Activity ReportMichelle Phaneuf
Contact United way speaker for Persons with Disabilities eventDebbie Leaman