Winnipeg Area Council AGM Minutes (April 17, 2019)

Winnipeg Area Council Annual General Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2019 AT 5:30 p.m.

Attendance: Gus Mardli (Phone), Frank Janz, Sheilagh Hanson, Brett Rainboth, Nestor Galarnyk        

Winnipeg Area Council Annual General Meeting Minutes – April 17, 2019 AT 5:30 p.m.

Attendance: Gus Mardli (Phone), Frank Janz, Sheilagh Hanson, Brett Rainboth, Nestor Galarnyk         

  1. Meeting was called to order by Chair Sr. Sheilagh Hanson at 5:42pm
  2. Round table introductions made by all in attendance
  3. PSAC Statement of Harassment deemed in affect
  4. Adoption of the Agenda
    • Adopt the agenda by Br. Nestor Galarnyk, seconded by Br. Frank Janz
  5. Approval of January 15, 2019 minutes
    • Adopt the minutes by Br. Frank, seconded by Br. Brett Rainboth
  6. Treasurer report
    • $1101.81 balance as of March 31, 2019 (minus $35 for meal tonight)
    • Sr. Sheilagh and Br. Nestor are to go to bank to arrange signing authority
    • More checks required
    • Outstanding payments need to be paid to Tracy Thor
    • Moved by Br. Frank, seconded by Br. Nestor
  7. Sit in (Sr. Sheilagh)
    • Robert Falcon-Oulette not getting back when contacted but thought to be a good choice for a sit-in once back April 23rd. Gus stated he would be interested.
    • Get constituent to contact his office
  8. Trudeau in Winnipeg
    • Prime Minister made an appearance at Forks Hotel invited to Manitoba Federation of Labour
    • Spoke to group on 3rd floor of MFL
  9. Bargaining Update
    • No movement to speak of
    • Crutial next round of bargaining will take place at end of April
  10. Round Table
    • Br. Gus spoke with Manitoba Marathon, everything is a go for this year’s water station
    • 1919 Parade (May 25th) PRC will have a float
    • Need to get entry in for Pride Parade (June 2nd), Tracy to follow up
    • Allies training to possibly take place in June
  11. Next Meeting June 4th 2019
  12. Adjournment
    • Move by Br. Frank, seconded by Br. Nestor