Timothy Hunt PRC Report (Nov. 2011)
Report of the GLBT Representative to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the November 2011 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.
Timothy Hunt, GLBT Representative
Report to the Prairie Region Council
November 2011
January 28th to November 17th, 2011 – Report to PRC
13th Annual Fairy Tales Film Festival
The HRC sponsored the event for one night, this was for the “Bring-a-Straight” night, there was a documentary and comedy film shown. Volunteers from various components were in attendance enjoying the event !
Regina Gay Pride Parade
BSO Leanne Shirkey’s participation became only the third time that a BSO in uniform was authorized to participate in a Gay Pride Parade and this was in Regina…. Brava !!
Gay Rodeo, Calgary July 1-3
On the Midway in Strathmore I attended the Rodeo Grounds with this booth with information for all GLBT rights and freedoms. I also handed out flags to the children attending the family friendly event. A tornado also whipped through on the Sunday afternoon less than six blocks from the grounds….phew !
Out Games, Vancouver July 25-29
Met with my fellow GLBT representatives from across the country to attend three days of Human Rights Forums, demonstrations and awareness. The games will be in Denver Colorado in 2015.
GlobalFest 2011 Human Rights Event, August 19 (PSAC Sponsorship)
The HRC got the Social Justice Fund to help us sponsor the events of GlobalFest 2011. On August 19th, twenty+plus PSAC members gathered to volunteer at the “Swearing In” of 100 new Canadians. We all then enjoyed a night of fireworks, China was the country for this evening, it was warm, fun and members got to work together from other components, priceless!!
Pride Parade in the Prairies, Calgary Parade, Sept. 4, 2011
Joined forces with the AFL to open a table of information during the parade festivities. This year’s Grand Marshall was City of Calgary Mayor – Naheed Nenshi
Labour Day BBQ, Sept. 5, 2011
Participated in the 3rd Annual Labour Day BBQ, we (myself, Area Council, Regional Women’s / Human Rights Committees) used this opportunity to do a “Anti-Bullying” information booth and offered to pay for the “condiments” for the event from the Human Rights Committee budget. “PSAC Members Volunteer in the Community”
Attended meetings in Edmonton on Mondays June 27tth and September 19th, working on 100th Anniversary of the AFL in Alberta. A major float will be in the parade and on display.