March 8 is International Women’s Day, an annual celebration of women’s economic, political and social achievements. This year, PSAC sisters have a few more reasons to celebrate.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
March 8 is International Women’s Day, an annual celebration of women’s economic, political and social achievements. This year, PSAC sisters have a few more reasons to celebrate.
Last month, the Federal Court upheld a decision by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that employers cannot discriminate against employees with family obligations. The ruling means that the employer has the obligation to find workable solutions on a case-by-case basis so that employees can balance work and family.
More than a year ago, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of PSAC in a pay equity case involving primarily women at Canada Post that was originally filed 28 years ago. However, those members have still not seen justice, and we’re asking the Court to enforce the Human Rights Tribunal decision, which does not include a 20 per cent discount on interest payments, despite Canada Post’s interpretation.
We’ve definitely made progress in the fights for fairness and equality, and March 8 is a day to call attention to that. It’s a time to celebrate the courage and determination of the sisters within our union and across our country who play a role in the fight for equal rights of woman around the world.
PSAC members are encouraged to attend a local IWD event as a show of support and solidarity. Contact your local PSAC Regional Women’s Committee (RWC) for information about events in your area:
You can also apply to attend the 2013 PSAC Prairies Regional Women’s Conference to help us move women’s rights forward within our union and our region. Application deadline is Friday, March 8, 2013.
In Solidarity,
Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies
Nancy Johnson
Regional Women’s Committees (RWC) Rep
PSAC Prairie Region Council