REVP Letter: Alberta’s Wildrose Threat
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Election day is less than a week away and, on April 23, you will have the opportunity to influence the political landscape in your province.
This is a landmark election in that, for the first time in 40 years, the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta is seeing a decline in popularity and may be on the verge of a historic defeat. This is our opportunity to affect much needed change in Alberta.
Though it is our general practice to remain non-partisan in our election efforts, we must speak out about the threat to Alberta and what a Wildrose government would mean to unions, working people and the things we all value.
The Wildrose party platform includes dismantling publicly funded and publicly delivered Medicare in favour of American-style privatization, and gutting Alberta’s labour laws and replacing them with the same kind of laws that U.S. Republicans have used to undermine the collective strength of working people.
For a broader overview of the Wildrose party platform, please see the fact sheet produced by the Alberta Federation of Labour. I also encourage you to visit the AFL’s election website.
I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to exercise your democratic right to vote in the provincial election and to vote for a candidate that aims to create a province that you can be proud of.
In Solidarity,
Robyn Benson
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies