Regina Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes (April 25, 2019)

Attendance Sister Lang, sister Aubichon, Chair brother Hubick, via phone brother Hansen.

Regrets Sister Ahenakew, brother Bains.

Called to order 5:34 by brother Hubick.

Reviewed agenda:

Motion to adopt the agenda Moved by Sister Lang second by sister Aubichon. Carried

Reading of harassment statement Sister Lang.

Martha was appointed as harassment person.

Introductions round table.

FINANCIAL REPORT present by sister Aubichon.

Motion to adopt Sister Lang Second Brother Hubick Carried

Old business none

New business:

We discussed the vigil for 49-53 was decided we would not be doing angina this year as there was a lot going on. With other Pride events.

We discussed entering the pride parade on June 16.

We decide we would walk in the parade.

Motion was made to donate $50.00 to enter the parade.

Motion made by Sister Lang second by Brother Hansen third by Sister Aubichon carried.

Action item was to bring storm on other events we would like to do as a committee, bring forward to next meeting.

Round table Sister Lang reminded us of the day of morning on Saturday for those of us in Regina.

Brother Hansen shared that he had shared at his staff meeting about sharing the deck from CLC violence in the workplace results. He had questions if the women’s committee looked into this presentation.  Looking for advocates. Sister Lang responded to this.

Brother Hubick talked about the collective agreement about changing the wording of the collective agreement to reflect wording as many are still his/her she/he. Would like to see this change.

Sister Lang shared about the casino internal news letter speaking about Transgender issues. Sister Lang was going to email the committee copies of the news letter.

Next meeting date was set for June 13th at 5:30 pm

Closed meeting at 6:12pm.