Regina Area Council Minutes June 28, 2017

Meeting minutes for RAC June 28, 2017 meeting.

Regina Area Council
Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2017
Present: Melissa Brandt – Chair Tim Hubick – Treasurer
Danielle Aubichon – L40005 Martha Johnson – Regional Rep
Regrets: Brett Pollard – Secretary Satinder Bains – PRC Regina AC Rep
Michelle Lang – RWC
1. The meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m. followed by reading of the PSAC Harassment Statement.
2. M/S/C Dani/Tim
That the meeting agenda be adopted as circulated.
3. Tim reported there has been no change in the bank balance from what was reported at the May meeting as no cheques have been written.
4. Update by PRC Representative – no report as PRC Representative unable to attend meeting.
5. Bi-election – Vice-Chair:  Giselle Henry recently returned to BC Region and resigned her position; after some discussion it was agreed Melissa would seek direction from Marianne Hladun, REVP Prairies on the process to fill the vacancy.
6. NPSW debrief:  the lack of member participation was disappointing; there were concerns expressed around the value received in comparison to the amount of money spent for the event; there was disappointment over no media attendance/attention; it was felt L40064 should not have been distributing freezies; other locals should have been involved in the event; it was observed communication/broadcast emails reaching members are an issue; the leftover lunches were delivered to Soul’s Harbor for their kindergarten program.
7. Labour Day Picnic:  Martha and Dani will attend the first planning meeting; there was discussion about possible give-aways; it was suggested to distribute crayons with a small coloring book and use the leftovers for the Unions of Regina Christmas Dinner.
8. PSAC Convention:  no proposed resolutions for submission; election of delegate must be completed by October 28; after some discussion it was agreed to complete election of the delegate and alternate on either September 13 or 21.
9. Other Business:
There was discussion about the reference to affiliated locals within the bylaws.  Melissa agreed to seek clarification from Marianne Hladun and report back.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.; next meeting:  August 24, 2017 (picnic planning); September 13 or 21 (date to be finalized at August meeting).