PSAC members working at CAHRD committed to workplace improvements

The past few months have been busy for the local executive and bargaining team at the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD), and they show no sign of slowing down.

Local Executive (from left): Angela Severight (Treasurer), Nadia Binda-Moir (Secretary), Tyler Steiner (Cheif Steward), Stephanie Primrose (President), Jason Kudlik (Health & Safety), Brenda-Lee Senecal (Vice-President), and Angela Busch (Human Rights).


The past few months have been busy for the local executive and bargaining team at the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD), and they show no sign of slowing down.

After the Manitoba Labour Board certified PSAC as the bargaining agent for all non-managerial employees at CAHRD in September, members wasted no time electing a local executive and moving forward with local development, training and plans for bargaining their first collective agreement.

Stephanie Primrose was elected Local President for PSAC Local 55602, along with six other local executive members including a representative for human rights and another for health and safety. Primrose has worked at CAHRD for four years.

Of the nearly 100 employees, ranging from employment counselors to childcare workers and teachers, more than half signed a PSAC membership card during the organizing drive. Of the 74 employees who chose to cast a ballot during the June representation vote, a clear majority of them voted in support of the union. Primrose remembers learning about the victory.

“I found out and texted my husband right away, fighting back tears as I texted him,” Primrose says. “We knew we deserved it, and we got it. All the hard work and stress was worth it.”

The excitement carried on with a general meeting, elections for local executive and bargaining team, bargaining training and pre-bargaining discussions around priorities and process.

Next, members will participate in health and safety training and further local development, and hope to begin bargaining next month.