Prince Albert Area Council Minutes -November 14, 2018
Prince Albert Area Council Minutes -November 14, 2018
Prince Albert Area Council Minutes – November 14, 2018
Greenfield’s Restaurant Prince Albert – 5 p.m.
Present: France Tremblay-Franc –AC Pres., Pennie Young –PRC AC Rep, Christina Creusot- AC VP, Joyce Romanchuk UNE, Louise Mardell – PSAC Rep.
Regrets: – Kim Kelly, AC Secretary, Sherry Dearing, AC Treasurer, Melanie Trendocher UHEW.
Meeting called to order by France at approx. 5:15
Anti-Harassment Statement read by France- Anti-Harassment Resource: Louise Mardell
Agenda: Motion to accept Pennie, Seconder-Christina – carried
Review of Minutes: No additions or corrections. Motion to accept- Pennie/Christina. Carried.
Business arising from previous minutes.
Sherry indicated she is unable to attend meetings on Tuesdays due to another commitment. The committee will be mindful of this when scheduling in the future.
Follow up from Minutes:
-Louise will contact Sherry to ensure the financial requirements for the bank are met and if she requires any assistance in this matter.
-Louise will inquire with Jacque M to see if we can find a contact for the “active shooter presentation”– town hall. Hoping to hold this event in late Feb or early March.
By-laws – Reminder – please read and send feedback on the revised bylaws which will be presented for voting at the next AGM
President’s Report:
France attempted to arrange for a wreath purchase ($45) and attendance at the Nov. 11th memorial event but was unsuccessful. The committee agreed to donate the $45 and to make sure they have the contact and volunteer arranged for next year.
France was able to meet regarding Phoenix with Randy Hoback, MP on November 2nd. France gave a briefing about the meeting. Her lobby report is attached. France and others will be attending the political action training in Regina. Hoping to get some further ideas. She will arrange a follow up again with Mr. Hoback . France invited others to participate in the lobby.
Motion to accept Pres. Report – moved by Joyce, seconded by Pennie – carried
Financial Report: No update at this time
Revision of Pamphlet
The final revision was shared with those attending. The current executives contact information was added. After a brief discussion it was decided that only France and Pennie’s contact email would be on the pamphlet.
Louise spoke about upcoming Education which can be found on the Prairies web site. There will be an update of spring schedule hopefully by year end. Louise will follow up with REO about a Webinar for rural members who were unable to attend the Education forum, so that they can have an opportunity to provide input.
Next Meetings
The next meeting will be held on December 20th. There will be a short meeting followed by a seasonal celebration. The notice and agenda will provide more information and will be sent out by email to all contacts by the RO