Prince Albert Area Council Minutes – March 22, 2018

Prince Albert Area Council Minutes – March 22, 2018 

Prince Albert and District Area Council
March 22, 2018, 5:00 PM
The Spice Trail, Prince Albert 
Present: Components: France Tremblay-Franc – CEIU, Christina Creusot – USJE, Pennie Young – USJE, Kim Kelly – UHEW, Sherry Dearing – UHEW, Shannon Blum – USJE, Lima Hicks – USJE Louise Mardell – PSAC Rep. 
Agenda: Addition – PSAC Women’s Committee PRC Rep Request. Motion to accept Kim, Seconder Pennie. Carried.
Anti-Harassment Resource: Louise Mardell
Review of Minutes: No additions or corrections. Motion to accept Sherry, Kim seconded. Carried. 
Financial Report: Presented by Shannon, the year end report from 2017 and moved as is.  Seconded by Christina.
President’s Report: 
France reviewed the plan for a Conference which is part of our budget request.  She feels that we need to do something to make people stand up and notice what we do.  Our members know that they send money, but don’t see very much at the local level.  Further the funding of $1000.00 or so each year is not enough to do anything important.  The hope is that this proposal will catch enough attention at the Regional level that a face to face discussion will take place with the REVP.  
France also noted that we had made some commitments to follow through with things, but that because we did not set dates and time, we did not continue.  Date for pamphlet will be Fri, April 13th at 5 pm at PA Brewhouse.    Date for bylaw sub-committee will by May 9th via teleconference at 6:30 pm.
PSAC Women’s Committee Request: France Read the email from Deb Kosteniuk about the Moontime Sisters charity, and request for donations and why the charity exists.  Louis also spoke about the drive on April 7th at the PSAC office to put together the donations and supplies.  France would like the PAAC to make a donation.  Christina made a motion that we donate $100.00 and Kim seconded.  As we’re in transition with signing authorities right now, the committee will write the check to Christina, and she will purchase supplies and then bring them to the PSAC office on Tuesday March 27th.
Report from Louise: Advised that pay advocate training happened last week.  They had about 15 participants and that there is money to pay wages if we would like to run another course, perhaps in Prince Albert.
Louise gave an update on current events.  There is currently no education budget left until Fall so Louise is going to do some 3 hr modules which she will hold in Saskatoon or “To be announced” there will be no money to send you to Saskatoon, but if we have enough members in PA who want to go to the training we can make it happen in Prince Albert.  Shannon mentioned the Kairos Blanket exercise would be great for Prince Albert and Louise thought it would be a good event for National Aboriginal Day in June 21st.
Presentation of Budget proposal for 2018: Shannon Blum presented the budget as decided at the Executive meeting in February.  Motion to accept the budget request, seconded by Christina.  Carried.
June 20th at 5 pm location TBD
Motion to Adjourn Pennie.