Prince Albert Area Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the April 7, 2014 Prince Albert Area Council Meeting

Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting

April 07/2014

Tim Hogan – AC President/PRC
Louise Mardell – PSAC RO
Trudy Lerat – AC VP UNE
Melanie Markling – PSAC USGE
Denni Ernst  

Louise explained explained election of PRC delegate as result of a resolution passed in the last convention.

The following is the election details from the process conducted at this meeting by the Regional Rep. 

Call for nominations for PRC Prince Albert and District Area Council Representative
Tim Hogan nominated by Melanie Markling and seconded by Trudy Lerat
Hearing no further nominations Brother Hogan accepted and was declared the newly elected PRC Prince Albert Area Council Rep. 

Call for Alternate PRC Prince Albert Area Council Rep
Denni Nelson nominated by Trudy Lerat and seconded by Melanie Markling.
Hearing no further nominations Sister Ernst accepted the nomination and was declared the Alternate PRC Prince Albert Area Council Rep. 

Call for nominations for Prince Albert Area Council Secretary/Treasurer position.
Melanie Markling nominated by Tim Hogan and seconded by Denni Ernst
Having no other nominations the Committee thanks Sister Markling for accepting the position.

The books and records were turned over to Sister Markling and she will make arrangements with Brother Hogan to contact the bank to have her name added to the banking signature authority. 

Next Meeting June 2, 2014
Meeting Adjourned