Northern Alberta Geographical Representative, Stasi L’Hirondelle (February 2020)

Stasi L’Hirondelle
Northern Alberta Geographical Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2020

Since my last report in November, I’ve worked with the Bylaws committee to prepare and present some resolutions to be submitted to Convention 2020 on behalf of Prairie Regional Council.  The bylaws are the structure of our Union and ensure that those of us elected to represent the members are adhering to the order and as governed by the members.  This was my first time in such a role and I enjoyed the learning experience.  As always, I did my best to make decisions based on what’s I feel best suits the needs of the majority of members. Since the meeting with the Bylaw Committee, I also presented a Bylaw to the Edmonton Area Council and participated in discussions around other resolutions brought forward.

This has also been an interesting time with bargaining. Public Interest Commission meetings have been held in December, January and still some to come in March. Unfortunately, little good news seems to be coming from these meetings.  PSAC has taken the proactive stance to prepare for any strike action, and have been scheduling Strike Prep Training Courses.  I completed my course in January and have been encouraging members from many components to register and complete theirs.  Now is the time we must all STAND in SOLIDARITY with our Bargaining Team. After all, the best way to avoid a strike is to be prepared for one.

Since the last face to face meeting of Prairie Regional Council, I’ve participated in conference calls, attended Area Council meetings at my local regional office, and continued to encourage members to become engaged. There was also a lovely holiday meet and greet for all PSAC committee’s and area council held at the regional office. It was nice to get together with fellow activists to enjoy each others company and celebrate accomplishments over the past year.

In my last report I discussed how the meeting I had with my local Member of Parliament. I have scheduled my follow up meeting and hope to report some positive news.  I personally feel that now is an important time to put pressure on all our Members of Parliament to ensure that there is fair compensation for Phoenix, and Treasury Board returns to the table ready to BARGAIN FAIRLY!

In Solidarity,
Stasi L’Hirondelle