Nancy Johnson PRC Report (Feb. 2016)

Report of the Regional Women’s Committees Rep to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the February 2016 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.

Nancy Johnson
Prairie Region Council February 2016

Attended the National Women’s Forum on Domestic Violence in the Workplace in Ottawa in December.  Robyn Benson along with REVP’s, Marianne Hladun and Sharon DeSousa chaired the forum.   There were several prominent speakers who are subject matter experts; presentations were from various community organizations and union leaders.  We met to discuss how PSAC could move forward to educate our members and the role of the union and where do we go from here? 

The participants were fully engaged all weekend and the highlight of the forum was when former PSAC member, now Lethbridge MLA, Maria Fitzpatrick shared her own story of being in a domestic violence relationship and the impact it has left on her and her family.  There was not a dry eye in the room. 

Domestic Violence at work is one of the Women’s priorities and we are eager to review all the good work completed at the forum.

I have participated in two conference calls with the Women’s Working Group representatives.

Mark the date…Met with Marianne and Lisa to choose a date for the Regional Women’s conference that will be held in Winnipeg from June 10-12.  Watch the website for updates.

Attended the Edmonton Women’s Committee meeting in November and assisted them with their planning and financial reporting requirements.  There was a presentation on the results of the CLC Domestic Violence survey through the United Way representative and it was very informative.  PRC members Deb Kosteniuk, Michelle Lang and Greg Krokosh attended as well.

Plans are underway to attend the Regina RWC meeting in February as well as attend Winnipeg and Calgary’s meetings via teleconference.

Several members attended events on and around December 6th.  Saskatoon RWC hosted a candle lit vigil and we were very fortunate to have Sister Hladun attend this event. 

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Women’s right to vote in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.  Many sisters attended events in Manitoba and there will be similar events in Saskatchewan and Alberta. 

March 8th is International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is “Pledge for Parity,“ events will be held in several cities across the prairies and I would encourage you and your members to attend.

We welcome the news of the federal government launching the inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, this is long overdue and we look forward to working with the new Minister for Status of Women to ensure accountability and funding for women’s programs.

I thank each and every one of our volunteer chairs and participants who are raising awareness on issues that affect women and girls and our union sisters, your work continues to make this a better place for all.

In solidarity,

Sister Nancy Johnson