Michelle Lang PRC Report (Jan. 2017)

Report of the Directly Chartered Locals Rep to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the January 2017 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.

Michelle Lang
Prairie Region Council January 2017

I have attended multiple meetings with the SFL as well with multiple other Union Presidents of Crown Corporations.  Discussions around bargaining and what other unions are being offered.  Casino Regina’s Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on December 31, 2016.  The Provincial government has asked for concessions and roll backs.  A whole lot of zeros are rolling around. 

Talks about Saskparty passing Bill 40 in the spring.  Bill 40 will allow the government to sell 49% of a crown corporation without taking it to a referendum.  We are in for a fight!  I have been working with SFL AND Regina District Labour Council to come up with educating members and public.  There will be a rally and we want thousands of people to turn out!

I have contacted the other DCLS and have asked them to email me and have yet to receive a reply. 

Michelle Lang