In attendance: Krysty Munns (30048), President; Ray Wilson (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer); Kathy Williams (30027); Stephanie Erb (30048);
Public Service Alliance of Canada
Lethbridge and District Area Council
General Meeting
December 5, 2016
Ohso’s Liquid Lounge
In attendance: Krysty Munns (30048), President; Ray Wilson (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer); Kathy Williams (30027); Stephanie Erb (30048);
Raj Hari, Regional Representative
1. Call to Order:
a. 5:30pm
2. Approval of the Agenda:
a. By consensus
3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s Minutes:
a. Approval of minutes
i. By Consensus
4. Reports:
a. Treasurer Report
i. $938.30 as of December 5, 2016
ii. Motion to accept report
1. M/S Brother Pearson/Sister Williams
2. Carried
5. Previous business:
a. A discussion of 2017 activities
i. 2017 Activities
1. Young Chefs Tomato Project
2. PSAC Food Bank
3. Dragon Boat Festival
4. Labour Film Night
ii. For next meeting additional ideas for LDC activities
6. New business:
a. Discuss to 2017 meetings dates
i. February 1, 2017
ii. March 1, 2017
iii. October 4, 2017
iv. November 29, 2017
b. Discuss of meeting venue and time
i. Public Library Community Room at 5:30
7. Actions:
a. Bring forward idea for activities for 2017 next meeting
8. Elections:
a. Alternate for Prairie Regional Convention
i. Sister Williams
1. Nominated/Seconded Brother Pearson/Brother Wilson
2. Acclaimed
9. Next meeting date, time and location:
a. February 1, 2017 at 5:30 in the Public Library Community Room
10. Agenda for next meeting:
a. Prioritize 2017 activities and budget
11. Adjournment:
a. 6:15pm