Lethbridge AC Mtg Minutes (July 22 2009)
Executive: present; Quorum: achieved, in accordance to Area Council Bylaws
Minutes of the Meeting of the
Lethbridge and District Area Council
July 22, 2009
Executive: present
Quorum: achieved, in accordance to Area Council Bylaws
Called to order: 1745 hours
1) Minutes of the October 27, 2008 was adopted as read
2) Minutes of the October 29, 2008 was adopted as read
Title for the Area Council Budget for 2009 should read For The Year 2009 not To
October 29, 2009. The treasurer will correct the error (Appendix A)
3) Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted
As for July 22, 2009, the bank balance: $1904.73
4) Area Council Year End Financial Statement for 2008 was adopted as represented.
Secretary will send the statement to Winnipeg Regional Office, thus receiving the
Area Council assistant cheques less the monies owing: Lethbridge Area Delegate
PSAC Triennial Convention registration fee (payable to PSAC) and Lethbridge
Area Delegate Prairie Region Convention air fare (payable to PSAC). (Appendix B)
5) Lethbridge Area Council Delegate report on the PSAC Triennial Convention
Lorna reported on the Triennial Convention, hitting the high‐lights. Lorna report
is in Appendix C.
6) Communications
David Pearson will request from Robyn’s office the contact information of the
locals in Lethbridge area
Each of the executive will phone a local president to inform them of the Area
Council and what we expect of them and what they can expect of use.
7) Community Garden
Lorna reported that the garden is presenting along and in the spring of 2010 we
should be planting.
8) Tools for Schools
Greg will talk to local school board of this initiative.
We will use inform the locals on this initiative once we have more information
on the need.
9) Lethbridge and District Labour Council
$50.00 will be paid to the Council as our Association dues
Meeting adjourned at 1900 hours
Appendix A
Opening Balance January 1, 2008 $1,500.26
PSAC Area Council Assistance 1 $2,200.00
Interest Earned 2 $1.11
Total Income $2,201.11
Meeting Room Expense 3 $200.92
Prairie Regional Convention 4 $1,571.18
Other Expenses 5 $25.00
Total Expenses $1,797.10
Income less Expenses $404.01
Closing Balance December 31, 2008 $1,904.27
Lethbridge Area Council Financial Statement
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
1 PSAC Area Council Assistance:
$1,000.00 18‐Apr‐08 (PSAC Assistance)
$1,200.00 18‐Apr‐08 (PSAC Area Council 2008 Assistance)
$2,200.00 Total Assistance
2 Interest Earned:
$0.06 31‐Jan‐08
$0.05 29‐Feb‐08
$0.06 31‐Mar‐08
$0.09 30‐Apr‐08
$0.14 30‐May‐08
$0.12 30‐Jun‐08
$0.12 31‐Jul‐08
$0.11 29‐Aug‐08
$0.10 30‐Sep‐08
$0.10 31‐Oct‐08
$0.08 28‐Nov‐08
$0.08 31‐Dec‐08
$1.11 Total lnterest Earned
3 Meeting Room Expense:
$120.11 7‐Jan‐08 Check No. 101 Greg Krokosh
$54.00 7‐Jan‐08 Check No. 102 Lethbridge Public Library
$26.81 9‐Feb‐08 Check No. 103 Brea Lewis
$200.92 Total Meeting Room Expense
4 Prairie Regional Convention:
$100.00 10‐Mar‐08 Check No 104 Registration For Area Council Delagate
$425.00 29‐Mar‐08 Check No 106 Bill Engel advance for Convention
$404.83 11‐Jul‐08 Check No 107 Bill Engel Convention Additional Expenses
$641.35 9‐Sep‐08 Check No 109 Prairie Region Convention Expense (room)
$1,571.18 Total Prairie Regional Convention Expense
5 Other Expenses:
$25.00 29‐Apr‐08 Check No. 105 Lethbridge Labour Council Fees
6 Other notes:
Check 108 ‐ Void
Lethbridge Area Council Financial Statement Notes
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2008
Appendix B
PSAC Area Council Assistance $2,200.00
Component Area Council Assistance $300.00
Polical Action $2,000.00
Meetings $200.00
2011 PRC Convention Allotment $500.00
Income over Expenses ‐$200.00
Propose Budget For Lethbridge Area Council
For The Year 2009
Appendix C:
PSCA 15th Triennial Convention Report (Lethbridge Area Council)
First I would like to thank the Area Council for the opportunity of attending the convention. It
was my first Triennial convention and I know it will not be my last. Right from the day that I
registered for the convention to the day I left for home I felt was part of something good. The
friendship and camaraderie was everywhere. The convention did start off on a wet note,
however no one’s spirit was dampened. I did participate in the International Day of Mourning
and carried one of the many coffins through the streets of downtown Vancouver. I took
advantage and attended the Orientation for First‐Time delegates, the Area Council’s Caucus,
the Women’s Caucus, the All Equity Caucus, and the Agriculture Caucus.
Some of the highlights of the Convention for me were:
· The debate of the resolutions ( I was is in cue to speak on the issue of privatization
federal labs but the question called)
· The commitment of PSCA with the Think Public Campaign and defending Public services.
· The presentation on the Social Justice Fund with speakers Andhra Pradesh(India),
Jacaranda Fernandez Mejia(Nicaragua) Mathapelp Mphuthi (South Africa) and the
impact that the Social Justice Fund had on their causes. There was also a local speaker
Laura Stannard who spoke on the homelessness in our own country.
· Louise Arbour the former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights spoke on
how we are still in the search for common and universal vision of human rights.
· A very inspirational talk from Jim Sinclair, President of the BC Federation of Labour.
· The politics with the elections. I attended a couple of the candidate’s hospitality rooms.
· That there was not a significant increase in associated with the resolutions which were
Throughout the convention I felt the solidarity and the strength of our Union with our members
and leadership.
In Solidarity,
Lorna Selinger