Lethbridge AC Mtg Minutes (Jan 19 2011)

Present: Greg Krokosh, Dave Pearson, Lorna Selinger, Michele Coe, Raj Hari – PSAC RO Staff

Minutes from the January 19, 2011 Lethbridge Area Council meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Lethbridge and District Area Council – January 19, 2011


Greg Krokosh,

Dave Pearson,

Lorna Selinger,

Michele Coe

Raj Hari – PSAC RO Staff

 Called to order: 1730 hours


 – Agenda was adopted as present










  • Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded Brother Greg Krokosh/Sister Michele Coe
















  • Adopted








     1. Minutes of the October 13, 2010 meeting was read and adopted with corrections










  • 2.  Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted
















  •      As for January 19, 2011, the bank balance: $2385.51

















  • 3. Election of LethbridgeArea Council PRC Representative and Alternate
  • PRC Representative


















  • Brother David Pearson was nominated by Brother Greg Krokosh, seconded by Sister Lorna Selinger
















  • Brother David Pearson was acclaimed.
































  • 4. PRC Alternate
































  • Sister Lorna Selinger was nominated by  Sister Michele Coe, seconded by Brother David Pearson
































  • Brother Greg Krokosh was nominated by Brother David Pearson, seconded by Sister Michele Coe
































  • Sister Lorna Selinger declined the nomination, Brother Greg Krokosh was acclaimed.








    1. International Woman Day
    2. Sister Lorna Selinger spoke on the YMCA International Woman Day event on March 5, 2011 at the GaltMuseum.  Sister Robyn Benson will be one of the three guest speaker for the event.
    3. Motion for the Lethbridge Area Council to provide $200 for coffee for the International Woman Day event.
    4. Move/Seconded Sister Selinger/Brother Krokosh.
    5. Adopted










  • Education
















  • Brother Raj Hari spoke on the upcoming education courses for the region.  A discussion followed.









    1. Roundtable
    2. Brother David Pearson with get some information together for propose tools for schools program.
    3. Brother Krokosh informed the Council that his local is setting up a website
    4. A discussion for our next meeting was held and the consensus what that it would be March 4, 2011 if Sister Benson is able to attend


    1. Motion to adjourned, Moved/Seconded Sister Selinger/Sister Coe.       Adopted

    3. Meeting adjourned at 1945 hours