Winnipeg & Area Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes (Oct. 3, 2019)

Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee
Oct 3, 2019 Meeting

• Megan (UNDE)
• Nathalie (Co-Chair and minute taker) (UNE)
• Michelle (Treasurer) (AGR)
• Indrayani (UTE)
• Jackie UNE)
• Jennifer (Chair) (UNE)

Winnipeg and Area Human Rights Committee
Oct 3, 2019 Meeting

• Megan (UNDE)
• Nathalie (Co-Chair and minute taker) (UNE)
• Michelle (Treasurer) (AGR)
• Indrayani (UTE)
• Jackie UNE)
• Jennifer (Chair) (UNE)

Start Time:
• 17:59

Chair acknowledged Treaty 1 Territory.

Round table introductions

Agenda Read:
Jennifer asked if anyone wanted to add, no one did.
•  moved by Nathalie, seconded by Michelle

Approval of May 22 minutes
Moved agreed upon edits by Michelle, seconded by Indrayani

Treasurers Report
• Michelle was elected on May 7, 2019
• All committee members are on bank account as of June 26, 2019.
• Request of funds was $4750. Approved amount was $900.
• Cheque for funds not received as of Sept 30, 2019
• Balance on meeting date of $27.70
• Online banking is available.

Old Business
First event organized by the committee – June 20, 2019
   Winnipeg HRC Open House and marking of the 2019 National indigenous Day on June 20 was a success.  Guests included Chairs from all other PSAC Prairies HRC, UNE National Aboriginal Peoples Representative from BC, Prairies Regional Council (PRC)member – Womens Representative.  Regrets from other PRC Equity Representatives.
o Action Plan for a date to do decided upon Bear Clan Patrol.
o Action Item to check in for dates with Bear Clan in 2020 Spring, and to ask Marianne when she would be available to join as she has expressed interest when the executive met with her in May.
• Terms of Reference for the HRC to be brought forward for the next meeting. Currently, there is the PSAC human rights handbook as a guideline and reference.

 Resolution Discussion
Passing resolutions from the Prairie Women’s Conference to bring to both the Racially Visible Conference (deadline of Oct 15) and the National Women’s Conference (deadline of Nov 1)
    Discussion to bring to each member’s locals to mobilize bringing these resolutions forward.  The committee submitted Three of the four resolutions to the Winnipeg Area Council Sept 16 and they were passed.

-Racialized program and Policy Review Resolution
Moved by Nathalie, seconded by Indrayani
Passed unanimously.

o Diversity Membership Resolution
▪ Moved by Jackie, seconded by Megan
▪ Passed Unanimously

o Support for Intox, Detox, Rehabilitation and Supervised Consumption Services in Canada Resolution
▪ Moved by Nathalie, seconded by Megan
▪ Passed Unanimously

o Increase EI Benefit and Parental Leave Resolution
▪ Moved by Michelle, seconded by Jackie
▪ Passed unanimously.
▪ Jackie noted how thankful she is for this particular resolution.

Political Action
• Federal Election
o PSAC Winnipeg office is asking for volunteers to help with their phone back to call members to go out to vote (Oct 7+8) From 17:00 to 21:00
o Encouraging members to vote for a worker Friendly party
o Door to Door member knocking as well

• Lobbying
         The committee is interested in looking into:
o Local Lobbying (MP, MLA, City Council) for Mental Health Detox/Intox/Rehabilitation
o Reaching out to mental health crises centres.
o Talked about committee lobbying in these capacities and will consult PSAC REVP and Regional offices for resources and speaking notes
    Committee might look into requesting for political action or lobbying workshop or training

Delegate Seat to represent the Winnipeg and Area HRC to Winnipeg Area Council discussion

Jennifer attended their last meeting held on Sept 16.  Shared information that the HRC will be hosting a CLIFF evening as well as the 2019 Season’s Gathering on Dec 11.
    On behalf of the HRC, three resolutions were brought forward to the Area Council for submission to the Racially Visible Conference.  Resolutions were passed and will be forwarded to the Conference.
o Discussed who would represent HR committee on Area Council. Decision was Jennifer as 1st person, Michelle as 1st alternate and Nat as 2nd alternate.
o Discussed going as your local representative. Ideally. It would be nice to have a representative from each local to attend the area council
Jennifer reminded everyone to apply for the PSAC National Womens Conference (April 2020) deadline for registration is nov 1

Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) October 6 – 12
o Michelle discussed the speaker she found from ADAM (Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba) named Les Gillis.
     The committee looks forward to the 2nd event organized by the committee on Oct 9 to mark October 6 – 12 Mental Illness Week.  Committee is very excited as there are 17 RSVPs including committee executive and staff representative.
    Jennifer (chair) thanked Michelle (Treasurer) for making connection with the guest speaker and looks forward to the confirmation of another speaker being arranged by Nathalie (co-chair).
• Discussed planned Dec 11 Seasonal Gathering. 
o Make it a Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLIFF) screening
Committee discussed availability of the position of Secretary; will have election for a secretary on the agenda for next meeting on Nov 7.

Next HRC meeting date
• Nov 7, 2019 at 5:15 pm

Round Table
• Jackie: Excited for new year, wishes she could be there in person.
• Indrayani: Doing okay
• Michelle: Good to meet up with everyone before the racially visible conference.
• Nathalie: Happy to be there, helps her feel part of something bigger.
• Megan: Happy she has met everyone present.
• Jennifer: Thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. Happy to see new faces to the committee. It is always a learning process, feel free to ask her questions. She is happy to be involved and continue her activist life in this new province (She is originally from BC) and feels it is a good one.

Meeting adjourned:
• 19:35