Gregory Krokosh PRC Report (Convention 2017)

Report of the Lethbridge Area Council Rep to the Prairie Region Triennial Convention, April 21-23, 2017. This report covers the 2014-17 PRC term.

Gregory Krokosh
Lethbridge & District Area Council Representative

I look back upon the past three years with satisfaction that the financial concerns expressed at the last convention have been resolved by way of an audit and this convention will have the proper financial documents needed for the members to understand what has been done and what will be expected to be done over the next three years. The insertion of the PRC finance committee into the budget allocation process for Councils/Committees has made the process smoother and more timely.

The Lethbridge & District Area Council has been quite busy with numerous projects for the members, within the house of labour and in the community. Involvement has had its highs and lows but input is always being sought and the work is getting done. I congratulate the new executive: Krysty Munns as President and Lethbridge & District Area Representative on the Prairie Region Council, Ray Wilson as the Vice-President and David Pearson as Secretary/Treasurer. I have every confidence that they will do great work and I encourage all members to be an active part of the Area Council and share both their ideas and efforts.

I wish every success to the upcoming Council. I do not envy the position they will be facing. The current Liberal Government is acting very Conservative and the unallocated surplus/deferred revenue which has always been a safe source of funding now has to be planned to be spent or returned to PSAC National.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gregory Krokosh