Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes (Feb 4 2010)

Present: Darlene Lewis, RWC Chair; Terry Schneider, Recorder; Tamara Kozlowska, CEIU 30851; Elaine Alt, NHU 30016; Bonnie Lo, CEIU 30851

Regional Women’s Committee

February 4, 2010


Darlene Lewis, RWC Chair

Terry Schneider, Recorder

Tamara Kozlowska, CEIU 30851

Elaine Alt, NHU 30016

Bonnie Lo, CEIU 30851


Sujata Menon 

Carisa David 

Brenda Skayman 

Cherylyn Shewchuk 

Kim Dimmock 

Nina Kiviluoma 

Leanne Key

Meeting called to order at 5:30 by Sister Darlene Lewis

Adoption of Agenda: Tamara moved to adopt agenda, seconded by Bonnie Lo

Approval of Previous Minutes: Approval of previous minutes tabled to next meeting


Bonnie Lo gave the Treasurer’s report $2628.00 balance, with monies going to AFL Brunch, food for Selfdefense course and baskets for National Children’s Day.

Darlene gave her Regional Women’s Chair report (copy attached)

Old Business:

Remembrance Day: On Remembrance Day, Darlene and Josh (son) laid the wreath at the butterdome.

National Children’s Day: Poster was sent out, Nina came into the office and did a phone around and Darlene picked up baskets. UVAE dropped off donations at the Edmonton Regional office. Bonnie said her Local has a cheque and Elaine said their Local has a cheque. Cheques should be given to Darlene and she will purchase supplies and drop them off to the Women’s Shelter with the donations at the RO.

AFL Brunch: Darlene said the AFL brunch was wonderful with great inspirational speakers.


Round Table for other ideas

Carm – advised she has a teleconference with PR reps and Area Council chair on Friday. PSAC hoping to have 100,000 signatures by the end of February. They are looking at plant gating petition, stickers and leaflet. Will be asking all regional committees to par take in plant gate and lobbying MP’s.

Tamara – she will be attending Take Back the Night Sept. 24, 2010. Many different groups will be attending.

Tamara – December 6 th the PSAC Women’s Committee should be making this day a foremost event. We need to set up tables with Provincial and Federal speakers. We need to make this a more visual remembrance. Tamara and Darlene will book the venue.

Darlene – We need to find bodies for Homeless Planning Connect and Tools for Schools. We will have a planning session Feb. 12/10 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for October National Women’s Conference.

Elections: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary

Chair: Tamara nominated Darlene Lewis; Bonnie Lo seconded. Darlene nominated Bonnie Lo; Terry Schneider seconded.

Darlene accepted nomination; Bonnie declined.

Darlene acclaimed as chair

Vice Chair: Darlene nominated Tamara Kozlowska; Bonnie Lo seconded.

No other nominations. Tamara acclaimed as cochair

Treasurer: Elaine Alt nominated Bonnie Lo; Darlene Lewis seconded

No other nominations. Bonnie acclaimed as treasurer

Secretary: Bonnie Lo nominated Terry Schneider; Elaine Alt seconded

No other nominations. Terry acclaimed as secretary.

Oath of new elected officer(s):

Tamara Kozlowska and Terry Schneider were sworn in.

Next Meeting Planning Session

Planning Session to be held February 12, 2010 at the Edmonton R.O.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.