In attendance: James Somers; Cathy McLellan; Dave Burchell; Keegan Gibson; Murray Pruden (via teleconference); Kim Haynes (later)
Edmonton Human Rights Committee Minutes
08 March 2016
In attendance: -James Somers -Cathy McLellan -Dave Burchell
-Keegan Gibson -Murray Pruden (via teleconference)
-Kim Haynes (later)
Regrets: Genevieve Babineau , Sadiq Huda
1. Call to Order
• The Meeting called to order at 1730
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Financials, ideas for 2016
3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda
a. The last minutes dated January 12, 2016 had one amendment
4. Financials:
a. James looked at the financial records and we sent Marianne $1291.34, why are we out by $3000?
b. James will check to see where the $225.73 cheque was issued to.
c. Review the records of accounting and if we have the correct amount, we will not ask for any more funds unless needed.
d. All bank statements are to be CC’d to James
e. We currently have a balance of $5300
5. Ideas for events for 2016:
a. Murray would like to do “A Path of Light”, but not to the scale of 2015 on June 25, 2016
i. He would like to keep it at Beaver Hills Lodge Park
ii. If we keep it there, the city of Edmonton will honor the reservation
iii. Murray has been working on a personal campaign to bring to National, UDT, PRC.
1. Dave mentioned that he would like to see this stay with EHRC and not a National campaign.
2. Murray is the spokesperson on behalf of the EHRC
3. Murray will send James an email concerning what has been presented.
4. It is unanimous that it must go out as PSAC EHRC campaign, as opposed to PSAC general, or any other body.
5. James questioned if it goes to PRC, will they disseminate the information?
6. Can Murray get contacts from PRC that are also members of HRC?
iv. Budget has not been come up with for NAD, and Murray promised to have those numbers by Friday
v. Discussion concerning planning of NAD.
b. James has a subcommittee at UTE for GLBT Pride event. Max budget $1450
i. James and Cathy will be the lead for Pride.
c. Keegan present his notes concerning working with AFL.
i. They are looking at May Day, which we will not be active in, but support. ($100 donation)
ii. August 19, World Humanitarian Day. We could do something on August 20, but will table for further discussion.
iii. Discussion concerning Alberta focus considering the economic situation of the province.
d. Dave presented ideas for calendar.
i. Fridge magnetic calendars.
ii. Dave will take the lead on pricing and design.
1. Tentative goals being August 15 for electronic copy of the calendar, and September 1 for printing.
iii. Murray said that he would take about $400, and UTE would take about 100.
iv. Idea is to sell them to the locals and the local gives them away.
6. New business:
a. Kim may be able to get some money for PWD
7. Actions: Everyone’s Budget has to be in by March 15
8. Round Robin:
• Dave brought up the Labour Day BBQ. Approach AFL, EDLC and see how we can help, funds, manpower, etc.
9. Next meeting date, time and location:
• The next meeting was left open
10. Agenda for next meeting – TBA
11. Adjournment
• The meeting was adjourned at 19.20