Registration is Closed: Strike Preparation for Members (Southern Sask & Northern Alberta, 1:30pm-4:30pm)

March 1, 2023

1:30pm - 5:30pm

This three hour workshop is open to all PSAC members in good standing. Specifically targeted to members who are part of the Treasury Board, Canada Revenue Agency, Parks Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Border Services. This introductory training will cover the collective bargaining process, where we are and how we got here. What are some of the key outstanding bargaining issues?  How does mobilization of general PSAC membership effect our bargaining power?  We will cover the strike vote process and how it is used to apply pressure in bargaining.  All general strike related questions that members may have will be answered.

Please contact your Regional Office if you do not know your ID#
Please enter your 10 digits, with no brackets or hyphens
Please enter your 10 digits, with no brackets or hyphens
Please contact your Regional Office if you do not know your ID#
Please enter your 10 digits, with no brackets or hyphens
Please enter your 10 digits, with no brackets or hyphens