The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour is currently recruiting to fill a vacancy to the position of Strategic Advisor/Communications Officer at the Federation’s Regina office.
The job description for the position is included below as an attachment.
The position is full-time (flexible 5/5/4 work week – Appendix B), and offers very competitive compensation, with excellent benefits, and flexibility. Terms and conditions of employment are set out in the collective agreement between the staff union (CUPE 4828) and the SFL.
Deadline for submission of applications is the end of working day Friday, September 19, 2014.
Commencement dates: flexible – on or before, October 15, 2014 preferred.
Please submit applications, complete with resume to:
Recruitment Committee
c/o Larry Hubich, President
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
220 – 2445 – 13th Avenue
Regina, Sask.
S4P 0W1
Fax: (306) 525-8960