RWC Minutes from March 21, 2013
Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Meeting
March 21, 2013- Calgary Regional Office
In Attendance:
Nicole Frechette – NHU 30014
Stephanie Vandewaeter – CIU 30036
Carrie-Ann French – UTE 30024
Charlene Highfield – UNE 30186
Dolly Ablitt – PSAC Calgary RO (Staff)
Meeting called to order at 5:51 pm.
Old Business:
- Treasurer’s Report. Nicole reviewed financial statements and proposed budget. Lethbridge now has their own committee so we can remove those budget lines.
New Business:
- Recruitment – We would like to create a pamphlet as well as a “kit” to give to locals, and posters to hang on general bulletin boards. Info should also be put online. We need to offer more training and workshops to get women involved. Send Dolly/Carrie Ann ideas after browsing other women’s committee sites etc. We could do a herstory workshop on our own.
- Priorities are: 1. Women are all affected. 2. Childcare campaign. 3. Protective reassignment 4. Violence against women 5. Defeating the Harper government.
- Newsletter – Send Carrie Ann idea for the newsletter. She would like to include a section on child advocacy as it is one of our priorities.
- Women’s conference in Banff – We can solicit donations from other locals to do a fundraiser there. Stephanie to make up donation letter. Proceeds will go to the Calgary Women’s Center. We can also do another drive after the conference to get spice donations using “put some spice into a women’s life” slogan, as many women starting over are lacking these supplies.
- We are going to try and coordinate a bread and roses luncheon at Harry Hayes on December 6, 2013 for remembrance and action on violence against women.
- Meetings will be moved to 5:30pm on Thursdays instead of 6pm to accommodate everyone’s schedules.
- Stephanie nominated Carrie Ann for chair, Nicole seconded. Carrie Ann accepted.
- The secretary and treasurer position will be left vacant until next meeting.
Next regular meeting will be Thursday April 25, 2013 at 5:30pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm