PSAC Calgary Human Rights Committee
June 7th, 2017
Those in attendance:
Timothy Hunt (Chair)
Mike Tennant (Treasurer)
Victoria Norris (Secretary)
Vic Johal
Alex Goertzen
Melisa Lumbala
Phil Chan
Raj Harji
Meeting called to order 5:45pm by Timothy Hunt.
Meeting minutes from April 12th 2017 were presented and reviewed.
Motion was made to reimburse Timothy for dinner for $73.50 cheque #86 – by Phil/Vicky
HRC bank balance is $3233.27 and bank charges are down from $13.00 to $6.50. Phil will look into changing from BNS to other possible financial institutions (ie. Credits unions) as they don’t have bank charges for non-profit organisation account, however we still have lots of cheques from the Bank of Nova Scotia.
There was a discussion about the possibility of the HRC entering into a hiatus. However, it was decided to go ahead with the elections.
An email from Marianne states the HRC is not in good standing. It outlines that no events can be planned until the HRC submits the finance-audit package. Mike and Tim thought the package was sent as they remember working on it. They will review their emails and re-submit the package.
Area council is planning a breakfast/brunch for local presidents in the hopes of increasing engagement sometime in the fall.
Vicky will email Raj with NAD (National Aboriginal Day) poster to be put up on PSAC website. Donation cheque from PSAC for the June 24th NAD event has been mailed to Pathways. A motion was made for a $50.00 vendor table cheque to Pathways for the June 24th NAD event by Melisa/Timothy. Vicky made a request for volunteers for the June 24th NAD event. The wheel, camera and tent have already been booked, and Vicky will make arrangements with Dolly for pick up. Raj provided a box full of ‘Idle No More’ posters for the event, they will left at the PSAC office until Vicky picks them up prior to the event.
Elections were presided over by Raj Harji
Nomination for chair: Vic Nominated Phil Chan, seconded by Vicky
Mike nominated Melisa, seconded by Tim- Declined
Phil Chan became chair by acclamation.
Nominations for Vice Chair; Vic nominated Timothy, seconded by Phil – Declined
Melisa nominated Vic, seconded by Mike
Vic Johal became Vice Chair by acclamation.
Nominations for Treasurer; Vic nominated Melisa, seconded by Phil
No further nominations
Melisa Lumbala became Treasurer by acclamation
Nominations for Secretary; Timothy nominated Victoria, seconded by Vic
No further nominations
Victoria will remain Secretary by acclamation
The new committee was sworn in. Discussions regarding changing the signatories at the bank are;
Remove: Timothy Hunt, Mike Tennant, Sam Akinsanya
Add: Melisa Lumbala, Vic Johal, Phillip Chan
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday September 13th, 2017 at 5:30 pm. It will be held tentatively at the new location (#400, 601-14 street NW) – we will know more as the Regional Office will provide an updated schedule later.
Motion to adjourn meeting by Vic, seconded by Phil. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm