Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes ~ May 24th, 2018

Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes ~ May 24th, 2018

PSAC Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes

May 24th, 2018

In Attendance

  • Alec Goertzen- President
  • Philip Chan -Treasurer
  • Melisa Lumbala- Secretary


  • Dale Marianicz- Vice President
  • Deb Kosteniuk- UTE 30024
  • Raj Hari- RO rep

Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm by Br. Alec


Motion to accept agenda as presented – M/S/C Sis. Melisa/Br. Phillip

Old Minutes

Br. Alec presented the draft minutes from Feb 15 2018 meeting. A change must be made concerning election of alternate Treasurer. This was not in accordance with CAC By-Laws, therefore we are not allowed to elect alternate Treasurer. If the position becomes vacant, we will hold an election to fill at that time.

Treasurer Report

Current bank statement as of end of April 2018, we have $1221.95. We should have our yearly allocation from PRC Finance coming at the beginning of June. Br. Alec mentioned that all the allocation reviews by PRC Finance were done on May 11-12 in Winnipeg.

M/S/C  Br. Alec/ second by Sis. Melisa

National Public Service week (Jun 11-17)

Br. Alec said we should be approved for $650 this year instead of $1500 as budgeted, since we are not going with ice cream truck, costs are down. We still want to do the ice cream at Calgary International Airport as we didn’t have the opportunity to do it last year. We will distribute DQ dilly bars as it was a great success last year. The difference from last year is that we will not boycott but rather promote where to find help for those who have been affected by Phoenix.  We will need to talk with members, get their info’s on a signing sheet. We will need swag from RO or Winnipeg (buttons, t-shirts, tents, ice cream, table, chairs, burn by phoenix banners etc… We will also need posters. We will have 4 hours loss of salary covered. Br. Alec will ask for contact for airport locals to be able to discuss with the local presidents to see what date will work for them. Tentative date will be June 14th 2018.

Summer Plan:

There is not much to do this summer but Br. Alec would like us to think about what we can do in the fall to get active as elections will come in 2019 Provincially and Federally. We will need to find ways to engage members and encourage them to start talking to MP’s.  Lobby training can be provided by the PSAC.

Labor Day BBQ

The CDLC is hosting their first planning meeting on June 12. Alec will be attending for PSAC.

Motion to adjourned meeting by Br. Philip/ second by Br. Alec at 6:35 p.m.