Alec Goertzen PRC Report (Feb. 2015)

Report of the Calgary Area Council Rep to the Prairie Region Council submitted for the February 2015 meeting. This report covers the period from the last PRC meeting.

Alec Goertzen
Calgary Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2015

Brothers and Sisters of the PRC, this reporting is for the period: Oct 2014 to February 2015

Regional Committees – 
Assigned to the PRC Finance Committee. Participated in 2 conference calls with other members to discuss our role and actions, as well as elected Sis. Nancy Johnson as Chair of our committee.

Other activities –
Area Council/Geographic Rep duties – Br Mardli initiated a discussion about -activities and similarity of duties of AC Reps and Geo Rep under the PRC bylaws, and see how to support to the other could be worked out and through. A majority of all the invited PRC rep participated in the call with some good discussion and clarity for support to each other in future and further events. I look forward to another discussion with the reps very soon.

I was invited to attend an event Say No to Harper, coordinated by the Youth Rep for UTE 30024. On November 1, 2014, the purpose was to demonstrate outside of Stephen Harper’s constituency office to protest cuts and attacks on the Public Service as well as to stand up and show Union pride! While there were only 6 the attend the chilly morning, there were many warm car horns of support for our signage and presence. This was also a positive demonstration wherein the mall property which houses the PM constituency office, bears signage that demonstrations would not be permitted under bylaw. We however, though loud and proud were respectful enough that CPS merely kept a watchful eye on us…and nod of support to our cause.

Volunteer appreciation night – I attend and spoke at an evening event planned and co-hosted by the CAC, RWC, and HRC. The attendance of our volunteers and activists for the evening was a great success for not only recognizing and supporting each other, but networking for campaigns and events in the coming 2015 fight of our lives!

Southern Alberta Committee’s meeting – this was coordinated by the Calgary Regional Office and attended by Prairies REVP, Calgary office staff, AC, RWC, HRC reps, PRC RV Rep, PRC GLBT Rep, as well as Lethbridge AC and RWC. The day was

Opening of Parliament Demo – I was invited and spoke at the Defeat Harper in 2015! demo on January 26. This took place outside of the Harry Hays Building and coordinated with other affiliates – CUPE, CUPW, UFCW, and many others. A very successful and vocal event that was bonding with all our brothers and sisters in the Calgary community. More are demonstrations will be planned up until the Federal election, so I am looking forward to attending.

Respectively submitted,

Br. Alec Goertzen

Oct 15/15 – Special AC meeting for Convention 2015 resolutions
Nov 1/15 – Say No to Harper event
Nov 13 – AC/Geo. Rep Conf call
Nov 22/15 – Volunteer Appreciation Night
Dec 2 – Calgary Area Council Meeting
Jan 22/15 – S.Alta Committees & REVP meeting
Jan 26/15 – Opening of Parliament
Jan 29-30/15 – Leading Change
Feb 6-7/15 – Canada Labour Congress, Election Preparation Conference, Edmonton
Feb 27-28/15 – PRC (2nd) Winnipeg