Day of Action Report & Photos (Manitoba)

The National Day of Action was a huge success with hundreds of members from worksites all over the Prairie Region standing together in solidarity over the noon hour. Check out details and photos from the various rally locations and worksite actions across Manitoba.


195 Dafoe Rd, Cereal Research Station, Winnipeg MB – About 44 Agriculture members attended the demo to stand up for public services. It was very well received and exceeded the local’s expectations.

1015 Arlington St, Virology Lab, Winnipeg MB – Approximately 25 members from the National Health Union and Agriculture locals attended the event at the lab.

1039 Princess Ave, Brandon MB – About 15-20 members from UTE and CEIU handed out stickers and flags outside of the federal building to bring awareness to the importance of public services in Brandon. In a community the size of Brandon, any cuts to services will be felt immediately. The Brandon Sun attended.

66 Stapon Rd, Winnipeg Tax Centre, Winnipeg MB – More than one hundred members from UTE came out and marched along the sidewalk around the Tax Centre proudly waving flags. Gary Esslinger, UTE Regional Vice-President, spoke to the crowd about the importance of public services and how the cuts will affect their communities, as well as the workplace. The receptive crowd understood that, although they may not have been hit by cuts to date, any other department cuts could displace workers looking to CRA as an option under Workforce Adjustment. Term employees should be especially concerned. Many flags found their way back to the workplace to be put on display. (See photos)

17 Wing, Winnipeg MB – On February 29, approximately 40 members attended the UNDE local’s AGM and took part in an action to stand up for public services by presenting their concerns about the upcoming budget and handing out stickers and flags.

280 Broadway, Winnipeg MB – About 100 people were at the rally. Sister Robyn Benson, Regional Executive Vice-President for the PSAC Prairie Region, gave a speech and the crowd marched in front of the building.  There were a number of other unions there including CUPW, UFCW, MGEU, United Steel Workers, Winnipeg Labour Council, and others. Brother Don Rogers, CEIU National President, and Sister Susan Norman, CEIU Manitoba NVP & Westman Area Council PRC Representative, were there as well. Members came from different locations including CEIU, UTE, UNE (Parks), USGE, and other locals from the surrounding area. Brother Mark Gilchrist, UEW Regional Vice-President for the Prairies/North, was in town from Regina and came to join the rally. Members who came out were receptive to the rally. A number of people at the rally took their flags with them to hang in their workplaces. CTV, CBC, and Citytv attended. (See photos)

1 Forks Market Rd, Johnston Terminal, Winnipeg MB – CEIU Local 50769 President Cathy Moar reported that about 20 members rallied outside the Johnston Terminal at the Forks. They all wore black, and had flags and stickers.

269 Main, Winnipeg MB – Approximately 50-55 people attended, including brothers and sisters from CGC, Agriculture Agri Food Canada, CFIA and CBSA. Approximately 12-15 people in the group were PIPSC members who came out to show their support. Since this is a very high vehicle traffic area, there was constant support from passing motorists honking their horns, which in turn added excitement to the event. Steven Cabek, Vice-Chair for the PSAC Winnipeg Area Council, provided a short speech. A reporter from the Winnipeg Free Press was onsite to interview both Brother Cabek and Brother Lindsey Sparks, PSAC Regional Representative.

Media Coverage:

Brandon Sun

Also, CTV Winnipeg, CBC Winnipeg, Citytv Winnipeg, Winnipeg Free Press (no links)


280 Broadway

Winnipeg Tax Centre

Various Manitoba Locations

Thank you to all of the locals for participating in this important action. We admire the courage and persistence of all of the Sisters and Brothers who wore a sticker, waved a flag, or put on a black arm band, and collectively rallied together to take a stand against the damaging austerity agenda of this government.