Winnipeg RWC Mtg Minutes – Jun 14 2016

Attendees: Sheilagh Hansen, Gloria Kelly, Nicole Papineau, Serina Pottinger, Darlene McClure, Yvonne Hein, Dawn MacAulay

Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 5:15 p.m.
PSAC Regional Office 175 Hargrave St


Attendees:    Sheilagh Hansen, Gloria Kelly, Nicole Papineau, Serina Pottinger, Darlene McClure, Yvonne Hein, Dawn MacAulay

  1. Called to Order at 5:20 p.m. and the Harassment Statement was agreed to by all.
  2. Approval of the Agenda agreed to by all.
  3. Review and approval of minutes from May meeting
    • Changes / corrections as follows
      • In #5 a, change “Someone (sorry, no one could remember the sister’s name)” to Nicole Papineau

        moved by Dawn , seconded by Sheilagh, agreed to by all

  4. Treasurer’s Report: not available as Lorelei is not in attendance
  5. Previous business:
    • Look back at regional conference – what we can be involved in
    • the Labour Day picnic on Sept 5th
    • doing something for shelters, Gloria will check with the shelter network to see if there is something specific that we can do to help out
    • Nicole wondered if the Social Justice Funds could go to Nova House – unfortunately not, the funds are to be used for a very specific purpose, i.e. seed money for a program that can become self-sustainable.  She’ll keep working on trying to find a project to utilize some of the funds.
    • Serina mentioned that she works for an organization called Taking Charge.  Their big push at the moment is to upgrade their playground (nope, Social Justice funds can’t go towards that).  Gloria gave her the basic idea of the parameters and Serina will brainstorm with her connection to see if they can come up with something to be able to utilize some of the funds.
  6. New business:
    • Speakers for the fall – who would we like to have
      • Nicole suggested Dominique Arbez on childcare (we had her speak before).
      • Gloria suggested Susan Prentice on the status of women.
      • Sheilagh suggested Charlotte Cameron on Take Back the Night.
      • These three speakers cover the 3 fall meetings and we could invite men as well to the speaker portion of the meeting.
    • Social Justice Fund – potential project(s) – see #5 
  7. Next meeting date, time and location:  Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 5:15 p.m. at the PSAC Regional Office.
  8. Adjournment at 5:50 p,m.
  9. Social time – Dessert and door prize draw