February 13, 2023
Present: Khalid Ahmad (Chair), Frances Bitney, Olivier Tshileu, George Liu, Kyle Berry, Ashley Regan, Zem Dyck, Craig Adolphe, Megan Duthie, Greg Stitt, Gus Mardli, Marianne Hladun (REVP) and Tina Matias-Bouchard (PSAC Rep)
1. Call to Order at 5:36pm by chair Khalid Ahmad
2. Land Acknowledgement by chair Khalid Ahmad
3. Anti-Harassment Statement by chair Khalid Ahmad with Tina Matias-Bouchard being the Anti-Harassment Coordinator
4. Welcome & Introduction: Marianne Hladun gave attendees an overview on Human Rights Committees, their mandates and objectives. March 15th is the deadline to submit an approved financial statements and a budget for the committee.
5. Agenda Approval m/s by Kyle / Craig
6. Chair’s Report: Khalid indicated there wasn’t much to report as there was no activities since the last minutes and committee was not in good standing.
7. Chair went over the Financial Statement and Transaction Log: The total balance for the Committee by December 31, 2022 is $190.82
8. Elections: Khalid turned the chair to Tina to conduct the election. Tina gave an overview of the positions and duties; about finances and book keeping. Question: Can the committee pay expenses electronically? Answer: Not yet but the committee can receive their funding electronically.
– Chair Election: Gus was nominated by Frances /Craig. Gus declined
Khalid was nominated by Gus / Megan. Khalid is acclaimed
-Co-Chair election: Gus was nominated by Frances. Declined
Kyle was nominated by Khalid / Gus. Kyle is acclaimed.
-Secretary: George was nominated by Khalid / Frances. George is acclaimed
-Treasurer: Craig was nominated by Gus / Megan. Craig is acclaimed.
* Oath of office was administered by REVP Marianne Hladun.
9- Khalid is back Chairing:
- February 22nd the Committee’s Executive will meet virtually with Tina at 7:00 PM
- Thursday March 9th a Committee’s General Meeting virtually at 5:30 PM
- Marianne indicated there will be Committee / Council Executive virtual training on March 7th at 7:00 PM
10- Motion to adjourn was moved by Kyle at 6:34 PM
*Minutes recorded by Gus Mardli