Edmonton Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes (June 6, 2023)

The Human Rights Committee discuss issues and plan events relating to PSAC’s Indigenous, Persons With Disabilities, LGBTQ2+ and Racially Visible caucus members. Check out these minutes for current actions and events!

Edmonton Human Right Committee General Meeting

June 6th, 2023 @ 6:30PM              

IN-Person and Zoom Hybrid Meeting

In Attendance: 

Charmaine Nelson – Chair            Yuen Csang Ghimn – UNE 30070

Crystal Ling – USJE 30150 Jessica Byrylo – Vice Chair

Kim Cardinal – Treasurer       Sreyasa Mainali – CEIU 30872       

Sylvia De Mello – CEIU 30851


Karim Somji – CEIU 30851 Omar Ahmed – Treasurer

  1. Call to Order / Land Acknowledgement / Harassment Statement
    • Charmaine called the meeting to order at 6:32PM.
    • She gave a sincere land acknowledgement and recited the PSAC Anti-Harassment Statement and announced herself as the anti-harassment coordinator for this meeting and provided her contact information.
    • There was a round of introductions.
  2. Approval of the Agenda: by consenus
  3. Reports:
    • Treasurer’s report:
      • Kim Cardinal gave the Treasurer’s report.
      • Opening balance: March 1, 2023= $2,112.86
      • Current bank balance 1,697.86 after 3 cheques having cleared
        • # 11 ($21.00),
        • #12 (294.00) and
        • #13 ($100.00).
        • Total expenditures= $415.00. The bank statement has photocopies of these cheques.
  4. Previous business:
    • Meet & Greet: Committee decision to postpone our meet and greet as we do not have permission to spend anything form the committee account yet. Our budget request has not yet been finalized. This event would include a multicultural celebration including a potluck, and various forms of art from an array of cultures, including painting exhibition, dance, musical performance etc.
  5. New business:
    • “Thirsty for Justice” – Group Discussion in keeping with the PSAC Campaign II Thirsty for Justice” A campaign that PSAC started around 10 years Ago and since there is still much desired to be accomplished, PSAC launched a 2nd campaign II Still Thirsty for Justice” to do with Canadian Indigenous communities such as Grassy Narrows Ontario- which has been under a water boil advisory for the last 25 years- The committee discussed in participating in this campaign by inviting Lisa Richard, a former PSAC member to do a teaching on Water is Life – thru an Indigenous lens. Charmaine will contact Lisa about her availability once the committee gains permission to spend 100$ on an honorarium for this event. Date TBD
    • Pride Edmonton (August 18-26, 2023) – the committee discussed Handing out swag at the Edmonton Pride Parade but there is no parade this year in Edmonton. There is a weeklong festival between Aug 18-26, 2023, at Churchill Square.
    • Autism Edmonton Valley Zoo Event-August volunteer opportunity. Date TBD
    • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th acknowledgement and possible activity, depending on whether permission to spend funds form the committee bank account. If no funding is accessible to the committee, we will put out a poster of acknowledgement and solidarity.
    • Chevi Rabbitt – talk on the importance and lived experience as a 2 spirited individual – again we are unable to plan for this even at we do not yet have permission to spend from our committee bank account. Upon permission grated, Charmaine will contact Chevi to see about possible engagement dates. This would cost $100 honorarium.
    • Multiculturalism – Discussion among the committee about potentially holding bi-monthly showcasing of multiculturalism – Hybrid option of Zoom and in person – possible collaborations with other PSAC Prairies committees such as Women’s Committee and Area Council.
  6. Round Table:
    • no one had anything to add
  7. Actions:
    • Jessica – Consult with Pride committee to see where the committee can volunteer and represent in the community
    • Charmaine – Contact both Lisa Richard and Chevi Rabbitt (once the committee is made aware of permission to expend existing funds for activities)
    • Jessica – Draft up a survey to go out to the membership re: topics of interest, Guidelines for equity groups (self identifying procedure) Soliciting equity members to see if they would like to be on the email distribution list
  8. Next meeting date, time, and location:
    • July 11th, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m  PSAC Edmonton RO and Virtual
  9. Adjournment:
    • Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm